Why Donate?
The once beautiful and historical sepulchral tombs at Beth Haim Bleinheim have completely deteriorated and are now into disrepair but the cemetery, the two buildings thereon and surrounding walls still require regular maintenance. At Beth Haim Berg Altena, the tombs and sepulchral monuments as well as the cemetery as a whole require continued maintenance. This continued maintenance of the cemeteries is a costly affair, however, and any donations towards this purpose are greatly appreciated. Please consider donating to the community’s Memorial Fund to help fund continued maintenance efforts.
Donate Now
In Judaism, eighteen is the numerical value of the Hebrew word “chai,” which means “life.” It has therefore become a Jewish custom to give monetary gifts or charity in increments of 18, thus symbolically blessing the recipient of the gift with a good long life. Our community is deeply grateful for each individual chai pledged by friends, which helps fund the upkeep and maintenance of both cemeteries.
Donations can be made below using a credit card or paypal.
Prefer a bank transfer?
You may also choose to wire or transfer your donation for the upkeep of the cemeteries directly into our local bank account indicating specifically that it is for the Memorial Fund:
Synagoge Mikvé Israel-Emanuel
Address: Hanchi di Snoa 29
Account number:
Bank: Maduro and Curiel’s Bank Curacao
Address Bank: Plaza Jojo Correa